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Does Edwards & Co have a double stroller?

by Emily Parks 29 Jun 2021

Our double stroller is in the works. It’s on its way! We’re aiming to launch in Australia and New Zealand in 2022. We can already guarantee that the Edwards & Co double will be on the list as one of the best double pram's on the market.

If you’re looking for a twin stroller – good news – our double stroller will be able to fit two newborns and give you a few different configurations to suit your lifestyle. Obviously, if you’re simply after a pram that grows with your family, this double stroller will be the one for you.

One of the most common questions among parents is, “do I need a double pram?”

Do I, don’t I?

• If you’re planning a small gap between children, you might need to consider a double pram. This is because after your second child is born, you’ll have two kids who need the pram.

• If there will be a larger gap between kids, say 2+ years, you might not need a double pram. This is because your toddler is that much older and might be perfectly capable of riding their scooter or balance bike, while their newborn sibling is in the stroller. You can shop our single stroller, the Oscar, here.

• If you like baby wearing, you can get away with a single pram and wear your youngest in the front pack. This is great for keeping your hands free while wrangling the toddler – and you’ve officially reached “Super Mum level” if you can breastfeed your baby while they’re in the front pack (not impossible…trust us!)


Okay, I’m sold on the Edwards & Co double…what can I do in the meantime?

While waiting for its release, you have a couple of options:

1. Front pack + single, like mentioned above
2. Toddler Board/Buggy Board on your current single stroller. The Lascal Maxi Board fits our Oscar stroller.

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